Author Archives: Elaine Doak

  • Where the Idea Came From

    Where did I get the idea for painting dragon eyes? This gem of a craft was introduced to me by my husband in 2016. He had tried to follow a tutorial online and make me a dragon eye for Christmas. The YouTube video was by a woman named Yvonne Williams. She runs a store and …

  • Under Construction

    This website is currently under construction. Feel free to look around and get a feel for what has been done (and laugh at the things that have not). My goal as a small business owner is to provide new and upcoming writers with tools, inspiration, advice and novelties for writing. Bookmark this website so you …

  • My Character Rules

    The characterization of the character is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of the entire story. You can have the best plot in the galaxy but if your characters are boring, no one will read far enough to figure it out. If your characters are compelling and well rounded then they can carry a reader through the …

  • Dragon Eye Beginnings

    In December of 2016 my family and I decided to handmake Christmas presents. It was a hectic time but lots of fun. Maybe I can post some of the things we made. One of the most important things that happened during this time is my husband introduced me to my new favorite hobby (besides writing). …

  • 6 Under-the-Radar Tips for Polymer Clay

    This is a placeholder blog post while I work on the real thing. I know, I know, why would I post anything at all? Just leave it empty until the post is actually done. The truth is, is that it is terribly hard to design a website without some kind of content. It’s just empty …

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